Salesman Lowers Price of Car for Blonde Then Something Funny Happens Joke

Suckers (1999) Poster

8 /10

how to sell cars

Every so often a low budget indie film comes out that blows away mots of the other dross out there and this is that movie. There are obviously a lot of similarities to glengary glen ross as selling is the focal point here and its cars not houses. Daniel Benzali as Reggie the dealership manager is a riot as the ultimate sell-your-grandma to make a buck maverick salesman His meetings where he explains selling technique to dealers is priceless entertainment and would strike the fear of god into anyone about to purchase a vehicle. There are so many funny lines and situations here where both dealers and customers try to get one over on each other to get the best deal. I didn't really care for the whole drug smuggling plot at the end, for me it detracted from the main point of the movie but I'm guessing as this wasn't a documentary (although it could have been as it was very realistic) the producers felt they needed to make some sort of stylish ending. Oh, and for Lori Loughlin fans, she looked fantastic in this movie.

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Training Day

Warning: Spoilers


My brother told me that I had to see this movie. He watched it as part of his salesman training at a car dealership. He said, "You want to see how car salesmen really act? Watch "Suckers". Then you will understand." So one night we were at the video store looking for something to watch. I suggested "Hamburger Hill". My brother took a glance at the comedy section and saw "Suckers" sitting there. He yanked it off the shelf and sprinted to the counter. It was "Suckers" time.

"Suckers" is about car salesmen. It is a brutally honest look at how car salesmen lie, cheat, and scheme to get you to sign the deal. My brother was cringing while watching it. He said, "Wow, this is bringing back some memories. Man, it was brutal. Oh, you can make some money at a car dealership if you don't mind working for twelve hours a day. The guys at the dealership would say to me, 'Only twelve hours? Hey, that's only half a day! Where else could you POSSIBLY make $100,000 a year?' The kind of person who should be a car salesman is like the guy in "Suckers". Only the most desperate, broke, soon to be divorced, starving for food guys should be car salesmen."

Most of the movie is spent listening to Reggie, (Daniel Benzali), and his Saturday morning sales pep talks. These monologues are the backbone of "Suckers". Reggie gives some important pointers to the sales force. "Keep nodding your head. Soon the customer will start nodding his head with you. " Or, "Tell the customer to follow you into the office. Whatever you do, DO NOT TURN AROUND. They will follow you like a lost puppy." Reggie is usually right.

There is a second storyline playing in the background of "Suckers". It has something to do with embezzlement and gangsters. There is also some gratuitous nudity thrown into the mix as well. But the most important aspect of "Suckers" is learning about how car salesmen are out to screw you and seeing the level of contempt they have for the customers (suckers). I enjoyed my car salesman training lesson. It has taught me to fear the car salesman. Yes, I've been screwed on a car deal. I've been a Sucker too. I'll have to ask my brother for guidance the next time I do battle for a new car.

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10 /10

Car selling from old days

Warning: Spoilers

My brother has been a car salesman for three decades and gave this flick a 90% accuracy rating for the way cars were sold until about ten years ago. "It could have been a training film," he told me. Even the sales board in the dealership meeting was dead on the money. Suckers could almost be a documentary film, but with dark humor only understandable to those in the automobile business. The story line about the narcotics sales was more of a distraction than anything else.This movie only had a $500,000 budget and was shot in two and half weeks, but was more than fun to watch. The DVD has a very informative director commentary track that shouldn't be missed.

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9 /10

The only thing that matters is money

This is a great overlooked movie that is similar to, and almost as good as, "Reservoir Dogs". The one aspect this movie has over Dogs is that almost everyone who has ever been in a sleezy car dealership can relate to this movie. If you want a preview, just drive into your local "Auto Mega-Mall" and watch the salesmen run up to you before you even get out of your car. The characterisations are right on the money - there are no bad actors in this movie. I highly recommend this film, if you can find it. This movie is so good, I have to watch it again. 9 out of 10

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6 /10

Almost a good movie...

'Write about what you know' is advice given to any wannabe scriptwriter, it was advice followed here, as they used their insider knowledge of the used car business to great effect.

The characters, and situations, revolving around the dealership are great. It is funny, and feels authentic, and you will probably learn a lot.

However, they foolishly decided that people wouldn't just want to watch a movie of this nature, so badly welded on a 'so predictable it hurts', Tarrantino style crime caper. It ruins the pacing and feel of the movie.

Pity. Still worth a viewing though, although it has plenty of ripe language and nudity if you are offended by such things.

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10 /10

Surprisingly true to the nature of shady dealerships

Suckers takes a dealer point of view on car sales thus making it infinitely more entertaining than its Hollywood-point-of-view counterparts... see: Used Cars. If you have ever worked in the car industry at a less than reputable dealership, this is the comedy for you. If you have ever purchased a car from a less than reputable dealership, this is the tragedy for you. The ending does leave you with a "been there, seen that" feeling, but it's a guilty pleasure nonetheless. Suckers is clearly a low budget film for a selective audience, but it's one of the better written and directed low budget films that I've ever had the pleasure of viewing. I just wish this movie was a little easier to get a hold of on DVD.

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8 /10

This is how it really is!!!

Trust me, I was once a used car salesman's secretary. You think this movie is far fetched. Think again. Nothing brings the "oil" out of the woodwork faster than selling a used car (or even a new one).

Car Salesmen think they are IT, and the movie shows this.

Great performances from Daniel Benzali and Louis Mandylor, particularly Louis and I'm not just saying that because I'm a fan. He really gets under the skin of a nice guy who discovers just how much better it is for him to be a not so nice guy.

Benzali struck all the right notes of manic, obsessed, spoilt, poisonous glory. My admiration knows no bounds.

If you have an evening with nothing on the telly. Check this out. I guarantee you won't be disappointed.

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4 /10

A harsh, biting look a the car sales game

=G= 18 September 2000

This obscure little satire makes the point that there is "a sucker born every minute" and shows numerous examples to prove it. Examples which may be disconcertingly accurate. A sardonic spoof of the car sales business loaded with gratuitous sex, crime, and melodrama as filler, "Suckers" is a "B" flick a best. However, it is also a primer on scamming and could be worth watching before a trip to a car dealer.

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good satire, bad ending

This is a good satire of the sales car world. The movie is very good, some nudity moments very funny, but at the end everything goes bad, it is like they dont know how to finish it, and decide that Reggie is so bad that he must be a drug dealer...In my opinion the car salesmen are very well acted, but the clients should have also their punishment, people who want a new car and spend money they dont have looking for a good 'deal' for example the guy that thinks he is so smart he doesn´t want to go to the office, and Moe the Afghan salesman brings the office to the man. It is good.

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7 /10

This is a surprisingly good movie

After running across this movie last night late on cable I finally clicked on it. Like most nights on cable there is usually very little to watch that you haven't already seen or are categorically something you simply don't watch ever for any reason. One of my things is that I just cant take movies that are nothing but endless streams of suffering and pain and shootings and car crashings and people who get shot and don't bleed or cry or AND people who are splattered all over the screen. I just don't get all that crap. Life is hard enough, why do you have to absorb angry people on screen doing things that are mean and actually kill and torture others, be it with their words or their actions.

So, with all that said, this movie violates a tiny part of my overall total tiredness with nonsensical violence and extreme horrors being done to others on-screen. It is full of men who are being pretty much nothing but the lowest common denominator, which is simply the law of the jungle, eat or be eaten. But they're doing it in the format of a car lot as salesmen who have created careful scripts for handling customers and driving the customer to give up more than they may have had to if the customer had know the salesman's goal, which is just to get all they can get at all costs. And all costs means simply that being truthful isn't necessary or a reasonable thing for a salesman to do. But on top of that they're being mean to each other. Granted they're learning the hard knocks of that business and finding their way like the members of a pride of lions must find their way when the feeding frenzy begins otherwise they will starve.

And of course these guys are always busy couching everything in terms of being either a person who is a god of maleness who can have whoever he wants any time OR, he must be someone who can easily be pushed over by another man or anyone at all who can then rape him in the anus. Yes, you all know what i'm saying here. They're all full of stupid talk which, ever since Pulp Fiction, its pretty much that same nonsense that was fresh for a couple of years back in the mid nineties. But as this was made in 1998 for a 1999 release I guess we can forgive this tired way of talking on screen (though the guys at Entourage are certainly giving this way of speaking a much needed freshening up and making it fun again these days in 2007).

But, in spite of all this, this movie just just fun to watch. There is truly something going on here that transcends the story of these hungry wolves. It shows us we are all wolves.

And the way it does is to show that the customers aren't stupid either. But they have learned that if a used car saleswolf will behave in a certain way then customers have individually come up with strategies to keep themselves alive when the wolf makes his charge. And these are hilarious. Which make the men hilarious.

What the other people here who have reviewed this movie have noted is that there are some unfortunate (to the movie) side story lines that simply show that the writers here had something great going but didn't know what to do with it, so somebody just decided to send this movie down a tired and well-worn path to make it all end in a way that other movies have done. Most of this movie is fantastic movie making, but the tiredness of the side stories, as tedious and uninspired as they are, still somehow don't take away the joy of watching the majority of this movie.

Though its a bunch of men being mean to each other for the most part, its somehow great. When drug dealers and tired TIRED story lines like that disgrace the writers just realize that these are the moments you can slip away to the bathroom or get a snack. But when all that side crap goes away and the saleslions are taking to the zebra fields, then its great movie making.

If you rent it, I promise you'll be glad you did.

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10 /10

Great car sales scum movie

I am giving this ten stars! Why? Because this movie captured my attention from beginning to end. The main character is that bald guy from Law and Order. He cusses like a sailor and encourages his sales staff to stick it to the customer throughout the entire movie. There are many un-nerving scenes where the customers are getting a raw deal. This is not a comedy at all and it's not a drama. It's more like Glen Gary/Glen Ross-ish. There are a lot of racist jokes in this movie and racism is a common threat throughout. Reggie, the bald guy is so full of hate that it's almost hard to watch him. He hates EVERYBODY. Eventually, drugs come into play and so does loan sharking etc. There is a tad of violence in this movie as well. This movie is very easy to watch and never gets boring. Thanks to that bald guy from Law and Order.

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7 /10

Good but could have been better.

As an expose of one of the seediest 'professions' around, it works. But just. A bit stilted focused on the selling side of the used car business. Pity they didn't take the time to look at the shonky practices of rewinding the odometer, cosmetic repairs, and the such. Also, the 'Lock Stock and 2 Smoking Barrels' ending seemed out of place. Also, shouldn't have Bobby stolen all the loot, after all, even if he had, who would have known?

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7 /10

Remember Stir Crazy???

Okay - this film starts out really funny, really shocking and really makes you think about what goes on at car dealerships behind closed doors. I have heard most of it is true, but in the last half hour they take a turn and have some gang drug deal infiltrate the car dealership that really makes the term "Hollywood Ending" come to mind. They should not have done that - it completely ruined a great film. Almost reminds you of Stir Crazy going into a prison Rodeo at the end...whatever!

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Most realistic "behind the scenes" car dealer movie ever.

I stumbled across this movie late night on cable. I missed the first ten minutes or so. I actually thought I was watching some kind of documentary or personal story of the car business. The slang is correct, the "techniques" are accurate, everything. The movie fails as far as storyline and general quanlity of the picture, but everyone must see it for the sheer realism and boldness of that industry.

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See this movie before buying a car

Warning: Spoilers

If you have ever been in corporate sales, been to a big Amway shebang, or even suffered through a "store meeting" at Wal*Mart, you will recognize the "pump up" meeting. This is one-half training film and one-half plot and vignettes. Some plot twists and some suspense to hold your attention. Semi-accurate version of what it is like owing a knucklebreaker loan shark. You come to respect Benzali's ruthlessness even if you grow to hate him. Spoiler Follows!!!The new salesman with the heart of gold does better than me by walking away from the money. The best scene, and you can show this at any sales meeting, is where Benzali dares the salesmen to hit him with customers' rejection lines. This movie is educational, eye-opening, realistic and with just a bit of danger and nudity for fun. Hard to believe, I lucked out and found this in the "But 2 get one free" bin at a movie rental store.

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It's all true!

Watch this movie if you plan to purchase a car anytime soon! Everything is true from the meetings to the banter between the salesmen and customer. I was introduced to this movie by my manager at a Dodge dealership and it was like the movie was a documentary of our store. Most car salesmen (especially used car salesmen) are very shady and will do anything to make the sale, I know that this is common knowledge But watch this movie and arm yourselves for buying a car because it's all true!

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6 /10

The real car business?

If you are in the car business, this movie does ring true here and there. The actual truth is I worked at the dealership this movie was based on (it is a proved fact, the writer of this movie worked at this dealership for about 2 years). Did ALL of these things happen? No. I would say a majority of the incidents in this movie did happen but were BLOWN UP or exaggerated to make for good entertainment. The blatant racism in this movie does not occur in the car business. The car business is the one business in the world that welcomes all of the melting pot through its doors. Uneducated? English not your first language? No scholastic possibilities? Don't mind long hours? Wanna make a lot of money? WHEN CAN YOU START? The drug content in this movie was ridiculous. All of that is for effect, we don't sit around snorting cocaine and waiting for customers. The thing about this movie that made me laugh were the white, bald headed General Manager and the black Closer. I know both of the gentleman that these characters were based on and the actors hit a home run. They were represented perfectly. The scene where they bring all of the items outside (desk, chairs, tables) for the customer who would not go inside happened just like that. I actual like the movie, some of the scenes were hilarious and the jokes were funny but at the end of this movie, there is some lame presentation about how to buy a car from the writer. Take it from someone who has been in the business a long time, he knows about 20% of what needs to be known to speak on the car buying process. The bottom line is a Car Salesperson is a professional whose job is to make as much money on you as possible. The customer's job is to savve as much money as they can - A good salesperson sells 15 cars a month and works about 50 deals to make that 15. Mr. Customer, you're gonna lose every time. All in all, the movie is entertaining, check it out.

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OK so most of it is accurate

having been in the car business for several years, yeah OK so most of this is pretty accurate. I've been there done that, and yes i've even done a few sales trainings on what reggie talked about and even done some of the closes and the walk and talk. But the only thing about this movie that was disturbing was the ending. But the whole drug thing is pretty close. But the underlying emotion in this movie is the guilt the new salesman felt. Think about it his little episode, there comes a point (even i had it) that after pulling so much crap that you truly do start to feel a little guilty. However the pretense under which it is done? C'mon "my credit union says that if i buy this car i won't be able to feed my family" Thats a load of S***! His credit union would't give him the money anyways. And any bank would decline the app (unless you jiggy it a little and fudge some things) but credit unions aren't that smart to tell someone what they can and can't do, they just wouldn't do it. But reggie sure came through, is that your name? you own the car, get the f*** out of here. that is the best part!! Kinda reminds me of vegas. "hi i'm the sales manager, other than returning the car, what can i do for you today"

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True To Life....but blows

This "film" is the most accurate portrayal of the goings on in the car biz ever made. I strongly recommend it for people who are about to buy a car...unfortunately it isn't much more than an expose on the auto other words it's a fairly b to c movie with little plot and less...very boring cinematic ally. I give it a c- an that's only because I spent several years slaving away on the line selling cars. Benzali is great as the sociopath sales manager...he certainly did his homework, unfortunately the rest of the cast was as boring as the players are in the normal world of car sales. Racism, sexism, drugs, etc... it's all true, just not very entertainingly so.

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10 /10

The humor caught me off guard..really hilarious

The whole movie really caught me off guard. The humor was sharp and precise. The characters constantly delivered numerous one-liners throughout, and it didn't get old. I'd recommend it to anyone who likes comedy or ever had a fear of buying a car. A solid, smart comedy.

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Very well done, extremely funny, best car movie yet

Looking forward to getting the video/DVD. This is the best "car guy" movie ever made. Consider classic clips from Used Cars and Fargo; this movie raises the bar considerably. My only complaint is that I can't seem to find this movie for sale, anywhere. It is a must see!

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2 /10

Too perverse to be funny after the fist few minutes

Warning: Spoilers

The plot itself is very creative; I've always loved seeing films that portray things from the POV of employees, e.g. Silkwood (1983) and Stalking Laura (1993). Suckers had potential, and at first was pretty funny.

The problem is, when the first racist joke was cracked, just seconds later the whole thing spiraled into 87 minutes of sleazy salesmen who seem to talk about nothing but sex and money. In fact many of them are perverted sex maniacs and the whole film is highly predictable. The ladybug joke was pretty bad and there are many more disgusting scenes I'd rather not discuss.

It's highly disappointing, sad and pathetic when a film with so much potential gets wrecked with sex, swearing and racism. I really wouldn't bother watching this if I were you.

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from Consumer Reports to Reservoir Dogs in 90 minutes...

Warning: Spoilers


This starts out entertainingly enough, with some great behind the scenes action at a car dealership. We get to see just how a car salesman gets the job done "with the numbers", and it ain't pretty from a buyer's perspective. Also, the scene with the blonde and the test drive is quite amusing.

But soon the plot moves towards the corrupt dealings of the sales manager, ultimately leading to his grisly end. And then we're supposed to believe that the dealership is open for "business as usual" the day after the bloodbath...I DON"T THINK SO!

Still, it's worth a rental before you head down to "lock horns" with your neighborhood auto dealer.

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