How to Run Command Line Program Continuously Azure

Continuous Delivery for Cloud Services in Azure

The process described in this article shows you how to set up continuous delivery for Azure cloud apps. This process enables you to automatically create packages and deploy the package to Azure after every code check-in. The package build process described in this article is equivalent to the Package command in Visual Studio, and the publishing steps are equivalent to the Publish command in Visual Studio. The article covers the methods you would use to create a build server with MSBuild command-line statements and Windows PowerShell scripts, and it also demonstrates how to optionally configure Visual Studio Team Foundation Server - Team Build definitions to use the MSBuild commands and PowerShell scripts. The process is customizable for your build environment and Azure target environments.

You can also use Visual Studio Team Services, a version of TFS that is hosted in Azure, to do this more easily. For more information, see Continuous Delivery to Azure by Using Visual Studio Team Services.

Before you start, you should publish your application from Visual Studio. This will ensure that all the resources are available and initialized when you attempt to automate the publication process.

Step 1: Configure the Build Server

Before you can create an Azure package by using MSBuild, you must install the required software and tools on the build server.

Visual Studio is not required to be installed on the build server. If you want to use Team Foundation Build Service to manage your build server, follow the instructions in the Team Foundation Build Service documentation.

  1. On the build server, install the .NET Framework 4.5.2, which includes MSBuild.

  2. Install the latest Azure Authoring Tools for .NET.

  3. Install the Azure Libraries for .NET.

  4. Copy the Microsoft.WebApplication.targets file from a Visual Studio installation to the build server.

    On a computer with Visual Studio installed, this file is located in the directory C:\Program Files(x86)\MSBuild\Microsoft\VisualStudio\v14.0\WebApplications. You should copy it to the same directory on the build server.

  5. Install the Azure Tools for Visual Studio.

Step 2: Build a Package using MSBuild Commands

This section describes how to construct an MSBuild command that builds an Azure package. Run this step on the build server to verify that everything is configured correctly and that the MSBuild command does what you want it to do. You can either add this command line to existing build scripts on the build server, or you can use the command line in a TFS Build Definition, as described in the next section. For more information about command-line parameters and MSBuild, see MSBuild Command Line Reference.

  1. If Visual Studio is installed on the build server, locate and choose Visual Studio Commmand Prompt in the Visual Studio Tools folder in Windows.

    If Visual Studio is not installed on the build server, open a command prompt and make sure that MSBuild.exe is accessible on the path. MSBuild is installed with the .NET Framework in the path %WINDIR%\Microsoft.NET\Framework\Version. For example, to add MSBuild.exe to the PATH environment variable when you have .NET Framework 4 installed, type the following command at the command prompt:

                      set PATH=%PATH%;"C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v4.0.30319"                                  
  2. At the command prompt, navigate to the folder containing the Azure project file that you want to build.

  3. Run MSBuild with the /target:Publish option as in the following example:

    This option can be abbreviated as /t:Publish. The /t:Publish option in MSBuild should not be confused with the Publish commands available in Visual Studio when you have the Azure SDK installed. The /t:Publish option only builds the Azure packages. It does not deploy the packages as the Publish commands in Visual Studio do.

    Optionally, you can specify the project name as an MSBuild parameter. If not specified, the current directory is used. For more information about MSBuild command line options, see [MSBuild Command Line Reference][1].

  4. Locate the output. By default, this command creates a directory in relation to the root folder for the project, such as ProjectDir\bin\Configuration\app.publish\. When you build an Azure project, you generate two files, the package file itself and the accompanying configuration file:

    • Project.cspkg
    • ServiceConfiguration.TargetProfile.cscfg

    By default, each Azure project includes one service configuration file (.cscfg file) for local (debugging) builds and another for cloud (staging or production) builds, but you can add or remove service configuration files as needed. When you build a package within Visual Studio, you will be asked which service configuration file to include alongside the package.

  5. Specify the service configuration file. When you build a package by using MSBuild, the local service configuration file is included by default. To include a different service configuration file, set the TargetProfile property of the MSBuild command, as in the following example:

                      MSBuild /t:Publish /p:TargetProfile=Cloud                                  
  6. Specify the location for the output. Set the path by using the /p:PublishDir=Directory\ option, including the trailing backslash separator, as in the following example:

                      MSBuild /target:Publish /p:PublishDir=\\myserver\drops\                                  

    Once you've constructed and tested an appropriate MSBuild command line to build your projects and combine them into an Azure package, you can add this command line to your build scripts. If your build server uses custom scripts, this process will depend on the specifics of your custom build process. If you are using TFS as a build environment, then you can follow the instructions in the next step to add the Azure package build to your build process.

Step 3: Build a Package using TFS Team Build

If you have Team Foundation Server (TFS) set up as a build controller and the build server set up as a TFS build machine, then you can optionally set up an automated build for your Azure package. For information on how to set up and use Team Foundation server as a build system, see Scale out your build system. In particular, the following procedure assumes that you have configured your build server as described in Deploy and configure a build server, and that you have created a team project, created a cloud service project in the team project.

To configure TFS to build Azure packages, perform the following steps:

  1. In Visual Studio on your development computer, on the View menu, choose Team Explorer, or choose Ctrl+\, Ctrl+M. In the Team Explorer window, expand the Builds node or choose the Builds page, and choose New Build Definition.

  2. Choose the Trigger tab, and specify the desired conditions for when you want the package to be built. For example, specify Continuous Integration to build the package whenever a source control check-in occurs.

  3. Choose the Source Settings tab, and make sure your project folder is listed in the Source Control Folder column, and the status is Active.

  4. Choose the Build Defaults tab, and under Build controller, verify the name of the build server. Also, choose the option Copy build output to the following drop folder and specify the desired drop location.

  5. Choose the Process tab. On the Process tab, choose the default template, under Build, choose the project if it is not already selected, and expand the Advanced section in the Build section of the grid.

  6. Choose MSBuild Arguments, and set the appropriate MSBuild command line arguments as described in Step 2 above. For example, enter /t:Publish /p:PublishDir=\\myserver\drops\ to build a package and copy the package files to the location \\myserver\drops\:

    Note: Copying the files to a public share makes it easier to manually deploy the packages from your development computer.

  7. Test the success of your build step by checking in a change to your project, or queue up a new build. To queue up a new build, in the Team Explorer, right-click All Build Definitions, and then choose Queue New Build.

Step 4: Publish a Package using a PowerShell Script

This section describes how to construct a Windows PowerShell script that will publish the Cloud app package output to Azure using optional parameters. This script can be called after the build step in your custom build automation. It can also be called from Process Template workflow activities in Visual Studio TFS Team Build.

  1. Install the Azure PowerShell cmdlets (v0.6.1 or higher). During the cmdlet setup phase choose to install as a snap-in. Note that this officially supported version replaces the older version offered through CodePlex, although the previous versions were numbered 2.x.x.

  2. Start Azure PowerShell using the Start menu or Start page. If you start in this way, the Azure PowerShell cmdlets will be loaded.

  3. At the PowerShell prompt, verify that the PowerShell cmdlets are loaded by entering the partial command Get-Azure and then pressing the Tab key for statement completion.

    If you press the Tab key repeatedly, you should see various Azure PowerShell commands.

  4. Verify that you can connect to your Azure subscription by importing your subscription information from the .publishsettings file.

    Import-AzurePublishSettingsFile c:\scripts\WindowsAzure\default.publishsettings

    Then enter the command


    This shows information about your subscription. Verify that everything is correct.

  5. Save the script template provided at the end of this article to your scripts folder as c:\scripts\WindowsAzure\PublishCloudService.ps1.

  6. Review the parameters section of the script. Add or modify any default values. These values can always be overridden by passing in explicit parameters.

  7. Ensure there are valid cloud service and storage accounts created in your subscription that can be targeted by the publish script. The storage account (blob storage) will be used to upload and temporarily store the deployment package and config file while the deployment is being created.

    • To create a new cloud service, you can call this script or use the Azure management portal. The cloud service name will be used as a prefix in a fully qualified domain name and hence it must be unique.

                            New-AzureService -ServiceName "mytestcloudservice" -Location "North Central US" -Label "mytestcloudservice"                                          
    • To create a new storage account, you can call this script or use the Azure management portal. The storage account name will be used as a prefix in a fully qualified domain name and hence it must be unique. You can try using the same name as the cloud service.

                            New-AzureStorageAccount -ServiceName "mytestcloudservice" -Location "North Central US" -Label "mytestcloudservice"                                          
  8. Call the script directly from Azure PowerShell, or wire up this script to your host build automation to occur after the package build.

    [AZURE.IMPORTANT] The script will always delete or replace your existing deployments by default if they are detected. This is necessary to enable continuous delivery from automation where no user prompting is possible.

    Example scenario 1: continuous deployment to the staging environment of a service:

                      PowerShell c:\scripts\windowsazure\PublishCloudService.ps1 -environment Staging -serviceName mycloudservice -storageAccountName mystoragesaccount -packageLocation c:\drops\app.publish\ContactManager.Azure.cspkg -cloudConfigLocation c:\drops\app.publish\ServiceConfiguration.Cloud.cscfg -subscriptionDataFile c:\scripts\default.publishsettings                                  

    This is typically followed up by test run verification and a VIP swap. The VIP swap can be done via the Azure Management Portal or by using the Move-Deployment cmdlet.

    Example scenario 2: continuous deployment to the production environment of a dedicated test service

                      PowerShell c:\scripts\windowsazure\PublishCloudService.ps1 -environment Production -enableDeploymentUpgrade 1 -serviceName mycloudservice -storageAccountName mystorageaccount -packageLocation c:\drops\app.publish\ContactManager.Azure.cspkg -cloudConfigLocation c:\drops\app.publish\ServiceConfiguration.Cloud.cscfg -subscriptionDataFile c:\scripts\default.publishsettings                                  

    Remote Desktop:

    If Remote Desktop is enabled in your Azure project you will need to perform additional one-time steps to ensure the correct Cloud Service Certificate is uploaded to all cloud services targeted by this script.

    Locate the certificate thumbprint values expected by your roles. The thumbprint values are visible in the Certificates section of the cloud config file (i.e. ServiceConfiguration.Cloud.cscfg). It is also visible in the Remote Desktop Configuration dialog in Visual Studio when you Show Options and view the selected certificate.

                      <Certificates>       <Certificate name="Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Plugins.RemoteAccess.PasswordEncryption" thumbprint="C33B6C432C25581601B84C80F86EC2809DC224E8" thumbprintAlgorithm="sha1" /> </Certificates>                                  

    Upload Remote Desktop certificates as a one-time setup step using the following cmdlet script:

                      Add-AzureCertificate -serviceName <CLOUDSERVICENAME> -certToDeploy (get-item cert:\CurrentUser\MY\<THUMBPRINT>)                                  

    For example:

                      Add-AzureCertificate -serviceName 'mytestcloudservice' -certToDeploy (get-item cert:\CurrentUser\MY\C33B6C432C25581601B84C80F86EC2809DC224E8                                  

    Alternatively you can export the certificate file PFX with private key and upload certificates to each target cloud service using the Azure Management Portal. Read the following article to learn more: [][].

    Upgrade Deployment vs. Delete Deployment -> New Deployment

    The script will by default perform an Upgrade Deployment ($enableDeploymentUpgrade = 1) when no parameter is passed in or the value 1 is passed explicitly. For single instances this has the advantage of taking less time than a full deployment. For instances that require high availability this also has the advantage of leaving some instances running while others are upgraded (walking your update domain), plus your VIP will not be deleted.

    Upgrade Deployment can be disabled in the script ($enableDeploymentUpgrade = 0) or by passing -enableDeploymentUpgrade 0 as a parameter, which alters the script behavior to first delete any existing deployment and then create a new deployment.

    [AZURE.IMPORTANT] The script will always delete or replace your existing deployments by default if they are detected. This is necessary to enable continuous delivery from automation where no user/operator prompting is possible.

Step 5: Publish a Package using TFS Team Build

This optional step connects TFS Team Build to the script created in step 4, which handles publishing of the package build to Azure. This entails modifying the Process Template used by your build definition so that it runs a Publish activity at the end of the workflow. The Publish activity will execute your PowerShell command passing in parameters from the build. Output of the MSBuild targets and publish script will be piped into the standard build output.

  1. Edit the Build Definition responsible for continuous deploy.

  2. Select the Process tab.

  3. Follow these instructions to add an Activity project for the build process template, download the default template, add it to the project and check it in. Give the build process template a new name, such as AzureBuildProcessTemplate.

  4. Return to the Process tab, and use Show Details to show a list of available build process templates. Choose the New... button, and navigate to the project you just added and checked in. Locate the template you just created and choose OK.

  5. Open the selected Process Template for editing. You can open directly in the Workflow designer or in the XML editor to work with the XAML.

  6. Add the following list of new arguments as separate line items in the arguments tab of the workflow designer. All arguments should have direction=In and type=String. These will be used to flow parameters from the build definition into the workflow, which then get used to call the publish script.

                      SubscriptionName StorageAccountName CloudConfigLocation PackageLocation Environment SubscriptionDataFileLocation PublishScriptLocation ServiceName                                  

    The corresponding XAML looks like this:

                      <Activity  _ />   <x:Members>     <x:Property Name="BuildSettings" Type="InArgument(mtbwa:BuildSettings)" />     <x:Property Name="TestSpecs" Type="InArgument(mtbwa:TestSpecList)" />     <x:Property Name="BuildNumberFormat" Type="InArgument(x:String)" />     <x:Property Name="CleanWorkspace" Type="InArgument(mtbwa:CleanWorkspaceOption)" />     <x:Property Name="RunCodeAnalysis" Type="InArgument(mtbwa:CodeAnalysisOption)" />     <x:Property Name="SourceAndSymbolServerSettings" Type="InArgument(mtbwa:SourceAndSymbolServerSettings)" />     <x:Property Name="AgentSettings" Type="InArgument(mtbwa:AgentSettings)" />     <x:Property Name="AssociateChangesetsAndWorkItems" Type="InArgument(x:Boolean)" />     <x:Property Name="CreateWorkItem" Type="InArgument(x:Boolean)" />     <x:Property Name="DropBuild" Type="InArgument(x:Boolean)" />     <x:Property Name="MSBuildArguments" Type="InArgument(x:String)" />     <x:Property Name="MSBuildPlatform" Type="InArgument(mtbwa:ToolPlatform)" />     <x:Property Name="PerformTestImpactAnalysis" Type="InArgument(x:Boolean)" />     <x:Property Name="CreateLabel" Type="InArgument(x:Boolean)" />     <x:Property Name="DisableTests" Type="InArgument(x:Boolean)" />     <x:Property Name="GetVersion" Type="InArgument(x:String)" />     <x:Property Name="PrivateDropLocation" Type="InArgument(x:String)" />     <x:Property Name="Verbosity" Type="InArgument(mtbw:BuildVerbosity)" />     <x:Property Name="Metadata" Type="mtbw:ProcessParameterMetadataCollection" />     <x:Property Name="SupportedReasons" Type="mtbc:BuildReason" />     <x:Property Name="SubscriptionName" Type="InArgument(x:String)" />     <x:Property Name="StorageAccountName" Type="InArgument(x:String)" />     <x:Property Name="CloudConfigLocation" Type="InArgument(x:String)" />     <x:Property Name="PackageLocation" Type="InArgument(x:String)" />     <x:Property Name="Environment" Type="InArgument(x:String)" />     <x:Property Name="SubscriptionDataFileLocation" Type="InArgument(x:String)" />     <x:Property Name="PublishScriptLocation" Type="InArgument(x:String)" />     <x:Property Name="ServiceName" Type="InArgument(x:String)" />   </x:Members>    <this:Process.MSBuildArguments>                                  
  7. Add a new sequence at the end of Run On Agent:

    1. Start by adding an If Statement activity to check for a valid script file. Set the condition to this value:

                            Not String.IsNullOrEmpty(PublishScriptLocation)                                          
    2. In the Then case of the If Statement, add a new Sequence activity. Set the display name to 'Start publish'

    3. With the Start publish sequence still selected, add the following list of new variables as separate line items in the variables tab of the workflow designer. All variables should have Variable type =String and Scope=Start publish. These will be used to flow parameters from the build definition into the workflow, which then get used to call the publish script.

      • SubscriptionDataFilePath, of type String

      • PublishScriptFilePath, of type String

    4. If you are using TFS 2012 or earlier, add a ConvertWorkspaceItem activity at the beginning of the new Sequence. If you are using TFS 2013 or later, add a GetLocalPath activity at the beginning of the new sequence. For a ConvertWorkspaceItem, set the properties as follows: Direction=ServerToLocal, DisplayName='Convert publish script filename', Input=' PublishScriptLocation', Result='PublishScriptFilePath', Workspace='Workspace'. For a GetLocalPath activity, set the property IncomingPath to 'PublishScriptLocation', and the Result to 'PublishScriptFilePath'. This activity converts the path to the publish script from TFS server locations (if applicable) to a standard local disk path.

    5. If you are using TFS 2012 or earlier, add another ConvertWorkspaceItem activity at the end of the new Sequence. Direction=ServerToLocal, DisplayName='Convert subscription filename', Input=' SubscriptionDataFileLocation', Result= 'SubscriptionDataFilePath', Workspace='Workspace'. If you are using TFS 2013 or later, add another GetLocalPath. IncomingPath='SubscriptionDataFileLocation', and Result='SubscriptionDataFilePath.'

    6. Add an InvokeProcess activity at the end of the new Sequence. This activity calls PowerShell.exe with the arguments passed in by the Build Definition.

      1. Arguments = String.Format(" -File ""{0}"" -serviceName {1} -storageAccountName {2} -packageLocation ""{3}"" -cloudConfigLocation ""{4}"" -subscriptionDataFile ""{5}"" -selectedSubscription {6} -environment ""{7}""", PublishScriptFilePath, ServiceName, StorageAccountName, PackageLocation, CloudConfigLocation, SubscriptionDataFilePath, SubscriptionName, Environment)

      2. DisplayName = Execute publish script

      3. FileName = "PowerShell" (include the quotes)

      4. OutputEncoding= System.Text.Encoding.GetEncoding(System.Globalization.CultureInfo.InstalledUICulture.TextInfo.OEMCodePage)

    7. In the Handle Standard Output section textbox of the InvokeProcess, set the textbox value to 'data'. This is a variable to store the standard output data.

    8. Add a WriteBuildMessage activity just below the Handle Standard Output section. Set the Importance = 'Microsoft.TeamFoundation.Build.Client.BuildMessageImportance.High' and the Message='data'. This ensures the standard output of the script will get written to the build output.

    9. In the Handle Error Output section textbox of the InvokeProcess, set the textbox value to 'data'. This is a variable to store the standard error data.

    10. Add a WriteBuildError activity just below the Handle Error Output section. Set the Message='data'. This ensures the standard errors of the script will get written to the build error output.

    11. Correct any errors, indicated by blue exclamation marks. Hover over the exclamation marks to get a hint about the error. Save the workflow to clear errors.

    The final result of the publish workflow activities will look like this in the designer:

    The final result of the publish workflow activities will look like this in XAML:

                      <If Condition="[Not String.IsNullOrEmpty(PublishScriptLocation)]" sap2010:WorkflowViewState.IdRef="If_1">     <If.Then>       <Sequence DisplayName="Start Publish" sap2010:WorkflowViewState.IdRef="Sequence_4">         <Sequence.Variables>           <Variable x:TypeArguments="x:String" Name="SubscriptionDataFilePath" />           <Variable x:TypeArguments="x:String" Name="PublishScriptFilePath" />         </Sequence.Variables>         <mtbwa:ConvertWorkspaceItem DisplayName="Convert publish script filename" sap2010:WorkflowViewState.IdRef="ConvertWorkspaceItem_1" Input="[PublishScriptLocation]" Result="[PublishScriptFilePath]" Workspace="[Workspace]" />         <mtbwa:ConvertWorkspaceItem DisplayName="Convert subscription filename" sap2010:WorkflowViewState.IdRef="ConvertWorkspaceItem_2" Input="[SubscriptionDataFileLocation]" Result="[SubscriptionDataFilePath]" Workspace="[Workspace]" />         <mtbwa:InvokeProcess Arguments="[String.Format(&quot; -File &quot;&quot;{0}&quot;&quot; -serviceName {1}&#xD;&#xA;            -storageAccountName {2} -packageLocation &quot;&quot;{3}&quot;&quot;&#xD;&#xA;            -cloudConfigLocation &quot;&quot;{4}&quot;&quot; -subscriptionDataFile &quot;&quot;{5}&quot;&quot;&#xD;&#xA;            -selectedSubscription {6} -environment &quot;&quot;{7}&quot;&quot;&quot;,&#xD;&#xA;            PublishScriptFilePath, ServiceName, StorageAccountName,&#xD;&#xA;            PackageLocation, CloudConfigLocation,&#xD;&#xA;            SubscriptionDataFilePath, SubscriptionName, Environment)]" DisplayName="'Execute Publish Script'" FileName="[PowerShell]" sap2010:WorkflowViewState.IdRef="InvokeProcess_1">           <mtbwa:InvokeProcess.ErrorDataReceived>             <ActivityAction x:TypeArguments="x:String">               <ActivityAction.Argument>                 <DelegateInArgument x:TypeArguments="x:String" Name="data" />               </ActivityAction.Argument>               <mtbwa:WriteBuildError Message="{x:Null}" sap2010:WorkflowViewState.IdRef="WriteBuildError_1" />             </ActivityAction>           </mtbwa:InvokeProcess.ErrorDataReceived>           <mtbwa:InvokeProcess.OutputDataReceived>             <ActivityAction x:TypeArguments="x:String">               <ActivityAction.Argument>                 <DelegateInArgument x:TypeArguments="x:String" Name="data" />               </ActivityAction.Argument>               <mtbwa:WriteBuildMessage sap2010:WorkflowViewState.IdRef="WriteBuildMessage_2" Importance="[Microsoft.TeamFoundation.Build.Client.BuildMessageImportance.High]" Message="[data]" mva:VisualBasic.Settings="Assembly references and imported namespaces serialized as XML namespaces" />             </ActivityAction>           </mtbwa:InvokeProcess.OutputDataReceived>         </mtbwa:InvokeProcess>       </Sequence>     </If.Then>   </If> </Sequence>                                  
  8. Save the build process template workflow and Check In this file.

  9. Edit the build definition (close it if it is already open), and select the New button if you do not yet see the new template in the list of Process Templates.

  10. Set the parameter property values in the Misc section as follows:

    1. CloudConfigLocation ='c:\drops\app.publish\ServiceConfiguration.Cloud.cscfg' This value is derived from: ($PublishDir)ServiceConfiguration.Cloud.cscfg

    2. PackageLocation = 'c:\drops\app.publish\ContactManager.Azure.cspkg' This value is derived from: ($PublishDir)($ProjectName).cspkg

    3. PublishScriptLocation = 'c:\scripts\WindowsAzure\PublishCloudService.ps1'

    4. ServiceName = 'mycloudservicename' Use the appropriate cloud service name here

    5. Environment = 'Staging'

    6. StorageAccountName = 'mystorageaccountname' Use the appropriate storage account name here

    7. SubscriptionDataFileLocation = 'c:\scripts\WindowsAzure\Subscription.xml'

    8. SubscriptionName = 'default'

  11. Save the changes to the Build Definition.

  12. Queue a Build to execute both the package build and publish. If you have a trigger set to Continuous Integration, you will execute this behavior on every check-in.

PublishCloudService.ps1 script template

              Param(  $serviceName = "",         $storageAccountName = "",         $packageLocation = "",         $cloudConfigLocation = "",         $environment = "Staging",         $deploymentLabel = "ContinuousDeploy to $servicename",         $timeStampFormat = "g",         $alwaysDeleteExistingDeployments = 1,         $enableDeploymentUpgrade = 1,         $selectedsubscription = "default",         $subscriptionDataFile = ""      )   function Publish() { 	$deployment = Get-AzureDeployment -ServiceName $serviceName -Slot $slot -ErrorVariable a -ErrorAction silentlycontinue     if ($a[0] -ne $null)     {         Write-Output "$(Get-Date -f $timeStampFormat) - No deployment is detected. Creating a new deployment. "     }     #check for existing deployment and then either upgrade, delete + deploy, or cancel according to $alwaysDeleteExistingDeployments and $enableDeploymentUpgrade boolean variables 	if ($deployment.Name -ne $null) 	{ 		switch ($alwaysDeleteExistingDeployments) 	    { 	        1 			{                 switch ($enableDeploymentUpgrade)                 {                     1  #Update deployment inplace (usually faster, cheaper, won't destroy VIP)                     {                         Write-Output "$(Get-Date -f $timeStampFormat) - Deployment exists in $servicename.  Upgrading deployment." 				        UpgradeDeployment                     }                     0  #Delete then create new deployment                     {                         Write-Output "$(Get-Date -f $timeStampFormat) - Deployment exists in $servicename.  Deleting deployment." 				        DeleteDeployment                         CreateNewDeployment                      }                 } # switch ($enableDeploymentUpgrade) 			} 	        0 			{ 				Write-Output "$(Get-Date -f $timeStampFormat) - ERROR: Deployment exists in $servicename.  Script execution cancelled." 				exit 			} 	    } #switch ($alwaysDeleteExistingDeployments) 	} else {             CreateNewDeployment     } }  function CreateNewDeployment() { 	write-progress -id 3 -activity "Creating New Deployment" -Status "In progress" 	Write-Output "$(Get-Date -f $timeStampFormat) - Creating New Deployment: In progress"  	$opstat = New-AzureDeployment -Slot $slot -Package $packageLocation -Configuration $cloudConfigLocation -label $deploymentLabel -ServiceName $serviceName      $completeDeployment = Get-AzureDeployment -ServiceName $serviceName -Slot $slot     $completeDeploymentID = $completeDeployment.deploymentid      write-progress -id 3 -activity "Creating New Deployment" -completed -Status "Complete" 	Write-Output "$(Get-Date -f $timeStampFormat) - Creating New Deployment: Complete, Deployment ID: $completeDeploymentID"  	StartInstances }  function UpgradeDeployment() { 	write-progress -id 3 -activity "Upgrading Deployment" -Status "In progress" 	Write-Output "$(Get-Date -f $timeStampFormat) - Upgrading Deployment: In progress"      # perform Update-Deployment 	$setdeployment = Set-AzureDeployment -Upgrade -Slot $slot -Package $packageLocation -Configuration $cloudConfigLocation -label $deploymentLabel -ServiceName $serviceName -Force      $completeDeployment = Get-AzureDeployment -ServiceName $serviceName -Slot $slot     $completeDeploymentID = $completeDeployment.deploymentid      write-progress -id 3 -activity "Upgrading Deployment" -completed -Status "Complete" 	Write-Output "$(Get-Date -f $timeStampFormat) - Upgrading Deployment: Complete, Deployment ID: $completeDeploymentID" }  function DeleteDeployment() {  	write-progress -id 2 -activity "Deleting Deployment" -Status "In progress" 	Write-Output "$(Get-Date -f $timeStampFormat) - Deleting Deployment: In progress"      #WARNING - always deletes with force 	$removeDeployment = Remove-AzureDeployment -Slot $slot -ServiceName $serviceName -Force  	write-progress -id 2 -activity "Deleting Deployment: Complete" -completed -Status $removeDeployment 	Write-Output "$(Get-Date -f $timeStampFormat) - Deleting Deployment: Complete"  }  function StartInstances() { 	write-progress -id 4 -activity "Starting Instances" -status "In progress" 	Write-Output "$(Get-Date -f $timeStampFormat) - Starting Instances: In progress"      $deployment = Get-AzureDeployment -ServiceName $serviceName -Slot $slot     $runstatus = $deployment.Status      if ($runstatus -ne 'Running')     { 	    $run = Set-AzureDeployment -Slot $slot -ServiceName $serviceName -Status Running     } 	$deployment = Get-AzureDeployment -ServiceName $serviceName -Slot $slot 	$oldStatusStr = @("") * $deployment.RoleInstanceList.Count  	while (-not(AllInstancesRunning($deployment.RoleInstanceList))) 	{ 		$i = 1 		foreach ($roleInstance in $deployment.RoleInstanceList) 		{ 			$instanceName = $roleInstance.InstanceName 			$instanceStatus = $roleInstance.InstanceStatus  			if ($oldStatusStr[$i - 1] -ne $roleInstance.InstanceStatus) 			{ 				$oldStatusStr[$i - 1] = $roleInstance.InstanceStatus 				Write-Output "$(Get-Date -f $timeStampFormat) - Starting Instance '$instanceName': $instanceStatus" 			}  			write-progress -id (4 + $i) -activity "Starting Instance '$instanceName'" -status "$instanceStatus" 			$i = $i + 1 		}  		sleep -Seconds 1  		$deployment = Get-AzureDeployment -ServiceName $serviceName -Slot $slot 	}  	$i = 1 	foreach ($roleInstance in $deployment.RoleInstanceList) 	{ 		$instanceName = $roleInstance.InstanceName 		$instanceStatus = $roleInstance.InstanceStatus  		if ($oldStatusStr[$i - 1] -ne $roleInstance.InstanceStatus) 		{ 			$oldStatusStr[$i - 1] = $roleInstance.InstanceStatus 			Write-Output "$(Get-Date -f $timeStampFormat) - Starting Instance '$instanceName': $instanceStatus" 		}  		$i = $i + 1 	}      $deployment = Get-AzureDeployment -ServiceName $serviceName -Slot $slot 	$opstat = $deployment.Status  	write-progress -id 4 -activity "Starting Instances" -completed -status $opstat 	Write-Output "$(Get-Date -f $timeStampFormat) - Starting Instances: $opstat" }  function AllInstancesRunning($roleInstanceList) { 	foreach ($roleInstance in $roleInstanceList) 	{ 		if ($roleInstance.InstanceStatus -ne "ReadyRole") 		{ 			return $false 		} 	}  	return $true }  #configure powershell with Azure 1.7 modules Import-Module Azure  #configure powershell with publishsettings for your subscription $pubsettings = $subscriptionDataFile Import-AzurePublishSettingsFile $pubsettings Set-AzureSubscription -CurrentStorageAccountName $storageAccountName -SubscriptionName $selectedsubscription Select-AzureSubscription $selectedsubscription  #set remaining environment variables for Azure cmdlets $subscription = Get-AzureSubscription $selectedsubscription $subscriptionname = $subscription.subscriptionname $subscriptionid = $subscription.subscriptionid $slot = $environment  #main driver - publish & write progress to activity log Write-Output "$(Get-Date -f $timeStampFormat) - Azure Cloud Service deploy script started." Write-Output "$(Get-Date -f $timeStampFormat) - Preparing deployment of $deploymentLabel for $subscriptionname with Subscription ID $subscriptionid."  Publish  $deployment = Get-AzureDeployment -slot $slot -serviceName $servicename $deploymentUrl = $deployment.Url  Write-Output "$(Get-Date -f $timeStampFormat) - Created Cloud Service with URL $deploymentUrl." Write-Output "$(Get-Date -f $timeStampFormat) - Azure Cloud Service deploy script finished."                          

Next steps

To enable remote debugging when using continuous delivery, see Enable remote debugging when using continuous delivery to publish to Azure.


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